Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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283 lines
(herald vax_unix_files)
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
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;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
(define *vm-modules*
'((osys unvaxkernel)
(osys vaxkernel)
(osys v_dispatch)
(t3_primops vconstants)
(osys vaxlap)
(t3_primops locations) ;++ talk to RK about this
; operation needs locations
(osys vm_boot)
(osys kernel)
;; Continuation stuff
(osys handler) ; must occur before any DEFINE-HANDLER
(osys frame)
(osys throw)
(osys operation) ; kernel needs %operation
;; VM error system
(osys error)
(osys unix_bsd4_2)
(osys unix_fault)
;; Primitive procedures
(osys fixnum)
(osys list)
(osys map) ; uses list
(osys character) ; uses list
(osys string) ; uses list, character
(osys vector) ; uses list
(osys symbol) ; uses string
(osys struct) ; uses list
;; closed compiled primops
(t3_primops vaxprimops)
(t3_primops vaxarith)
;++ (t3_primops locations) ; setter is closed compiled
(t3_primops vaxlow)
(t3_primops predicates)
(t3_primops open)
(t3_primops aliases)
(t3_primops carcdr)
(t3_primops genarith)
;; Storage management
(osys weak)
(osys free)
(osys pool)
(osys string_buf)
(osys table)
(osys table_entry)
(osys table_util)
(osys weak_table)
(osys hash) ; must come after weak_table
(osys inf_vector)
;; VM file system
(osys buffer)
(osys port_op)
(osys unix_vmport)
(osys vm_port)
;; VM system
(osys environment) ; must preceed any DEFINE-SYNTAX
(osys vm_system)))
;;; Closed compiled versions of primops. In a system which doesn't
;;; contain an interpreter these files are not necessary.
(define *closed-compiled-primops*
'((t3_primops vaxconstants)
(t3_primops vaxprimops)
(t3_primops vaxarith)
(t3_primops locations)
(t3_primops vaxlow)
(t3_primops predicates)
(t3_primops open)
(t3_primops aliases)
(t3_primops carcdr)
(t3_primops garbage)
;;; Z system
;;; The Z system depends only on the VM
(define *z-system-modules*
'((osys zread)
(osys zprint)
(osys zeval)
(osys zload) ; not neaded if loader is not present
(osys zsystem)))
(define *bootstrap-z-system*
(append *vm-modules*
;;; Garbage collector, scanner, suspender
(define *garbage-collector*
'((osys scanner)
; (osys gc_auxiliary)
; (osys suspender)
(osys unix_gc)
(osys gc_weak)
(osys gc)
(osys gc_top)
;;; Loader
;;; Storage management must be present in order to use the loader.
(define *loader-modules*
'((osys dump_codes)
(osys retrieve)
(osys vax_comex)
(osys load_comex)
)) ; this could come later
(define *operation-dispatch-modules*
(osys condition) ; Exceptions
(osys location)
(define *ZVM-system* ; VM with Z system
'((osys unix)
(osys z_undefined))
(define *VM-system* ; VM as a runtime library
;;; Object and operation stuff
;;; Arithmetic - the order of arithmetic modules is important
(define *arithmetic-modules*
'((osys ratio)
(osys unix_float)
(osys vax_float)
(osys arith)
(osys vax_bignum)
(osys big_fixnum)
(osys big_util)
(osys bignum)
(osys big_arith)
(osys dispatch)
(osys random)
(osys equality)
;(osys single_float)
;(osys double-float)
;(osys complex)
(define *file-system-modules*
(osys port)
(osys unix_port)
(osys sort)
(osys herald)
(osys load)
(osys dump)
(osys dump_comex)
;; Syntax system
(define *syntax-system-modules*
(osys syntax)
(osys pattern)
(osys sp_form)
(osys macros) ; ENV calls MAKE-TABLE which calls GC_STAMP
(osys cond)
(osys let)
(osys quasiquote)
(osys object) ; object macro
(osys modify)
(define *t-repl-modules*
'((osys readtable)
(osys recognize)
(osys read)
(osys sym_printer)
(osys format)
(osys pfloat)
(osys eval)
(osys repl)
(osys fs_parse)
(osys fs)
(osys tree)
(osys sets)
(osys combinators)
(osys transcript)
(osys exports)
(osys obsolete)
(osys tsystem)
(define *inspector-modules*
'((osys crawl)
(osys debug)
(osys trace)
(osys pp)
(osys unix_timer)
(define *t-system*
'((osys unix))
(define *t-modules*
(append *vm-modules*
(define *library-modules*
(osys loop)
(osys for)
(osys moremaps)